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Write Better, Faster with NoteBuddy - The AI Writing Assistant

Take your productivity to the next level with NoteBuddy, the AI assistant that helps you create professional-quality content in record time. Boost your productivity by 70% with NoteBuddy

Our technologies


Write better, faster with NoteBuddy

With NoteBuddy, you can be more efficient in your writing and boost your productivity by 70%!

AI-powered assistance

NoteBuddy uses advanced AI technology to help you expand on your ideas and overcome writer's block, making it easier to create high-quality documents quickly and easily.

Paraphrasing and summarization

NoteBuddy can automatically paraphrase text and summarize longer documents, making it easy to avoid plagiarism, improve readability, and condense ideas into a more concise form.

Seamless integration

NoteBuddy is a browser extension, so it can be easily integrated with other web-based writing tools and applications, allowing for seamless integration into your existing writing workflow.

Writing Tones

NoteBuddy makes it easy to adapt the tone of your writing to suit your intended audience. With our AI writing assistant, you can quickly and easily paraphrase your sentences to ensure that they are appropriate and engaging for your readers.

Multilanguage Support

NoteBuddy AI assistant can help you write in multiple languages such as 🇺🇸 English, 🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia, 🇵🇹 Portuguese, 🇪🇸 Spanish, 🇮🇳 Hindi, and many others. This can be especially useful if you frequently write in more than one language, or if you want to write in your native language.

Context repository

 NoteBuddy context repository allows you to easily store and organize relevant information and research, so you can access it all in a single click and feed a rich context to the AI. Say goodbye to tedious tab-switching and hello to efficient, high-quality writing with NoteBuddy.

Endless Possibilities with NoteBuddy

Whether you're writing a research paper, crafting a social media post, drafting business document, creating a marketing copy, or your own unique use case, NoteBuddy will assist you!

See NoteBuddy Use Cases


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  • Access to all NoteBuddy features
  • 60 free credits per month (expiring monthly)
  • Optional extra credits at $0.98/unit
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For those who are seriously using AI to supercharge their productivity.
PRE-ORDER OFFER, 90% discount + FREE E-Book!

$119.88/yr $11.98/yr
  • Access to all features
  • 60 free credits (expiring monthly) + 200 Buddy credits (non-expiring) per month
  • Optional extra credits at $0.49/unit
  • Prioritized support from BuddyLabs team


Explore the unlimited possibilities of AI writing assistant for your specific use case.

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  • Access to all features
  • Assisted onboarding support
  • Prioritized support from BuddyLabs team
  • Customization for specific use cases

Buddy credits are the units that allow you to use the services provided by BuddyLabs apps (such as NoteBuddy & CodeBuddy).
Click here to learn more about Buddy credits.


  • LIMITED TIME OFFER! A 90% discount from normal pricing!
  • + FREE EXCLUSIVE EBOOK - ChatGPT Power User Playbook: Practical Tips & Trick on Using AI to Boost Your Productivity!
  • Our ebook is written in UNDER 5 HOURS with the help of AI, learn how!

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✏️ NoteBuddy

Transform your writing experience with NoteBuddy – the AI writing assistant that helps you overcome writer's block and create professional-quality content in seconds.

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